Our Partners
Most companies using bitfarm-Archiv are directly supported by bitfarm GmbH in Siegen, NRW and have personal contact persons for all questions concerning the DMS. The advantage is the direct contact to the developers and the central support team, the first hand competence as well as the experience from many hundreds of customer projects, which ensures the success of a DMS implementation. Customers at home and abroad show that support today can also be provided via the Internet and telephone. Of course, the bitfarm GmbH team is also available on site at any time if required. Especially for the introduction of the DMS, for workshops and trainings this is useful and usual starting from a certain project size.
If priority is given to physical proximity, it is possible to have the Enterprise-DMS installed by a nearby partner. The partner then takes over the complete support itself. Official bitfarm-Archiv partners are usually system houses or IT consulting companies that have concluded a partner agreement with bitfarm GmbH. Through this partner contract they are authorized to distribute the Enterprise DMS and receive technical support from bitfarm GmbH.
If you would like to become a bitfarm-Archiv Partner, please send an e-mail to info@bitfarm-archiv.de, uto receive information about the exact modalities. If you are looking for a bitfarm-Archiv partner in your area, please have a look at the list of our partners. Or start with this guide regarding DMS partnerships & reseller programs.