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Man and woman working with a DMS

bitfarm­-Archiv Docu­ment Manage­ment - Advan­tages

The Open Source Concept

bitfarm-Archiv Docu­ment Ma­nage­ment is an Open Sour­ce DMS and ECM sys­tem. It is ba­sed on free soft­ware, so that ma­ny func­tions do not ha­ve to be pro­gram­med se­pa­ra­te­ly. Which sa­ves ti­me and mo­ney and has pro­ven it­self as a mo­dern form of soft­ware de­ve­lop­ment. Ma­ny com­mer­cial en­ter­pri­ses, in­sti­tu­tions and ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ons mean­whi­le fall back on Open Sour­ce sys­tems, sin­ce the ad­van­ta­ges are ob­vious.

The­re are no li­cen­sing fees for o­pen sour­ce sys­tems and the sour­ce co­de is re­lea­sed with the soft­ware. For you as a cus­to­mer, this means mo­re se­cu­ri­ty and a cer­tain in­de­pen­den­ce from the ori­gi­nal pro­vi­der in ad­di­ti­on to the price ad­van­tage com­pa­red to pro­pri­e­ta­ry sys­tems. In ac­cor­dan­ce with the open source gui­de­lines, we do not char­ge li­cen­se fees for either the GPL or the Enter­prise version of our soft­ware.

Pro­fes­sional Support

As we only char­ge for ser­vi­ces such as the plan­ning and im­ple­men­ta­tion of the sys­tem, staff training and pro­fes­si­o­nal sup­port for the Enter­prise Edi­tion, our main fo­cus is on a trus­ting and suc­cess­ful co­ope­ra­tion with our cus­to­mers.

We want the im­ple­men­ta­tion of our DMS in your com­pany to be a com­ple­te suc­cess. There­fore we are con­stant­ly wor­king on the opti­mi­sa­tion of our soft­ware and ser­vice.

Why bitfarm­-Archiv Docu­ment Ma­nage­ment?

Ir­res­pec­tive of the costs, which are cer­tai­nly one of the most im­por­tant cri­te­ria, other ques­ti­ons al­so co­me to the fo­re du­ring the plan­ned in­tro­duc­tion of a DMS/ECM so­lu­tion through­out the com­pa­ny. This con­cerns the con­cepts, com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty, ope­ra­bi­li­ty and func­tio­na­lity of a sys­tem. De­ci­sion ma­kers ask them­selves ques­tions like: Does the so­lu­tion suit us? What do ty­pi­cal processes look like from the user's point of view? What ea­se of use is of­fe­red? Which trai­ning ef­fort is re­qui­red? Will the so­lu­tion be ab­le to cope with in­crea­sing re­quire­ments in the fu­tu­re?

bitfarm-Archiv Docu­ment Manage­ment can be fle­xib­ly tai­lo­red to the indi­vidu­al needs of your com­pan­y and per­fect­ly inte­gra­ted in­to exis­ting IT infra­struc­tu­res. The user inter­face, which is de­sig­ned as a ty­pi­cal Win­dows appli­ca­tion in terms of both ope­ra­tion and de­sign, fa­cili­tates the change­over for users and mini­mises trai­ning costs.

With the help of the bitfarm-Archiv Tool­box and ex­ten­sive scrip­ting op­tions, the soft­ware scales fle­xib­ly along the res­pec­tive re­quire­ments. bitfarm-Archiv ef­fort­less­ly maps simp­le re­quire­ments as well as com­plex DMS and ECM sce­na­rios. Almost all func­tions can be swit­ched off or on as re­qui­red. Thus the sys­tem ne­ver seems over­loa­ded and adapts exact­ly to your needs.

Further advan­tages at a glance

  • Relief of employees through extensive automation possi­bili­ties
  • Future security due to open source and the use of generally accepted standards for document storage
  • Revision security - bitfarm-Archiv DMS meets all require­ments of the GoBD and the AO
  • Best text recog­nition rate among the document management systems thanks to integration of the market leader Omnipage®
  • Low resource consumption, use of common standard hardware
  • Stability and security due to Open Source components proven over many years
  • Fast amortisation - highest economic efficiency
DLR-Kontrollzentrum, Oberpfaffenhofen

bitfarm-Archiv in the space control center

The German Aerospace Center in Oberpfaffenhofen relies on bitfarm-Archiv Enterprise for structured filing and fast availability of technical documentation.

The Galileo satellite navigation system has been offering its first services since 2016, making it a navigation system of its own for Europeans. This makes Europe independent of the Americans, who have been operating the navigation satellites known as GPS for many years, in the increasingly important field of electronic navigation.

The construction and operation of a control and steering centre for up to 18 satellites is a technological challenge.

Learn more

Picture: DLR control centre in Oberpfaffenhofen, source: DLR, CC-BY 3.0