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ECM (Enterprise Content Management) with bitfarm-Archiv

In ma­ny ca­ses, cor­po­ra­te know­led­ge is do­cu­ment-ba­sed know­led­ge. En­ter­prise Con­tent Ma­nage­ment sys­tems pro­vide all (au­tho­rized) em­ploy­ees, in­side or out­side the com­pany, with re­le­vant con­tent quick­ly via a cen­tral, ful­ly search­ab­le data­base. With func­ti­ons such as work­flow ma­nage­ment, ver­si­o­ning, edi­ting sys­tem, au­dit-proof ar­chi­ving and do­cu­ment life­cyc­le ma­nage­ment, an ECM sys­tem sup­ports your com­pany in im­pro­ving the flow of in­for­ma­tion, no­tice­ably ac­ce­le­ra­ting your pro­ces­ses and ful­fil­ling com­pli­an­ce re­quire­ments.

The most im­portant fea­tures of an ECM soft­ware at a glance

Docu­ment Manage­ment

  • Pro­vides docu­ments where they are nee­ded - even on the move
  • Pro­tec­tion of sensi­tive da­ta by means of an au­tho­ri­sa­tion sys­tem
  • Trans­parent Pro­ces­ses due to do­cu­ment his­to­ry

Work­flow Ma­nage­ment

  • Au­to­ma­tion of docu­ment pro­ces­ses
  • dis­tri­bu­tion- and no­ti­fi­ca­tion-sys­tem
  • au­to­ma­tic ver­si­o­ning, check-in/­check-out
  • Con­trol­ling fea­tures, sub­sti­tu­tion rules, es­ca­la­tion sce­na­rios
Graphic of the functions of an Enterprise Content Management System

Document Life­cycle Manage­ment

  • Re­gu­lates and au­to­mates the en­tire life­cyc­le of a docu­ment
  • Auto­ma­ted de­le­tion of data ac­cor­ding to indi­vidu­al compli­ance re­quire­ments and the EU-DSGVO.

Electronic archiving

  • revi­sion-safe archi­ving in line with le­gal require­ments of the GoBD
  • Cen­tral archi­ving with­in a quick­ly search­ab­le data­base
  • Auto­mated tag­ging and sor­ting of docu­ments and data

One plat­form for all for­mats

bitfarm-Archiv Docu­ment Manage­ment sto­res more than just pa­per docu­ments, it also stores all other com­mon file ty­pes in the sys­tem. In most ca­ses, sor­ting and cate­go­ri­za­tion can be done au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly.

The ar­chi­ving of e-mails, ima­ges and draw­ings (in­clu­ding many CAD formats), Office files, PDFs, paper docu­ments and fa­xes crea­tes a com­pany-wide in­for­mation plat­form.

Ac­cess to these fi­les in a wide va­ri­ety of for­mats can be con­veni­ent­ly gai­ned from the vie­wer's user inter­face with­out ha­ving to open an ex­ter­nal appli­ca­tion. This enab­les di­rect vi­sual ac­cess to all in­for­ma­tion.

Mobile Working

Of course you may also acc­ess the DMS via VPN. Simp­ly use the Win­dows client, your brow­ser or the bitfarm- Archiv mobile app for Smart­phone and Tab­let.

In case there is no net­work recep­tion, docu­ments can even be edi­ted off­line with bitfarm-Archiv. For this pur­pose they are checked out of the data­base, trans­fer­red to an off­line ar­chive via the ex­port func­tion and sto­red on a data car­rier.

The fami­liar search in­ter­face is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly ex­por­ted by the sys­tem. The edi­ted docu­ments can be re­sto­red to the data­base la­ter.

Verschiedene mobile Geräte auf einem Konferenztisch

Editing modes

bitfarm-Archiv of­fers a re­vi­sion-proof and a non revi­sion-proof mo­de for most file ty­pes (Of­fice, Open­Office, ima­ges, CAD files, PDF, Web etc.). In re­vi­sion-safe mo­de, the fi­le is un­change­ab­ly sto­red in the ar­chive and can­not be edi­ted fur­ther.

Never­the­less, even a do­cu­ment that has al­ready been sto­red in an au­dit-proof man­ner can, un­der cer­tain cir­cum­stan­ces, ser­ve as a ba­sis for pro­ces­sing. To achieve this, the do­cu­ment is cal­led up in the vie­wer and ar­chi­ved again. In do­ing so, you re­cei­ve a co­py that can be edi­ted fur­ther.

How­ever, this does not ap­ply to fi­les that have do­cu­ment cha­rac­ter. Re­vi­sion-proof ar­chi­ving is man­da­tory here. This in­clu­des e-mails, deli­very notes, in­voi­ces and con­tracts.

In the not revi­sion-safe mode do­cu­ments can be ope­ned, edi­ted and sa­ved clas­si­cal­ly. In ad­di­tion, tem­po­ra­ry ac­cess blocks or au­tho­ri­za­tions can be set using the check-in­/out func­tion, for examp­le. The do­cu­ment his­tory can be used at any time to track who has set which block or allo­wed which ac­cess.

Collabo­ration with edito­rial sys­tem

Docu­ments can also be di­vi­ded into indi­vi­dual chap­ters or mo­dules with bitfarm-Archiv and thus edi­ted joint­ly by dif­fe­rent users. The res­pec­tive parts of the do­cu­ment are stored in the archive as indi­vidual files with spe­ci­fic au­tho­ri­za­tions, edi­tors, re­vie­wers and me­ta­data. At the push of a but­ton, a com­po­site main do­cu­ment can be ge­ne­ra­ted from the cur­rent ver­sions of the in­di­vi­dual mo­dule do­cu­ments.

This ECM func­tion is parti­cu­lar­ly es­sen­tial for com­pa­nies that manu­fac­ture an in­di­vi­dual pro­duct from exis­ting mo­dules for each cus­tomer and want to sup­ply the docu­men­tation that exac­tly mat­ches this pro­duct.

Mehrere Mitarbeiter arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Dokument

Trans­parency by auto­matic versioning

bitfarm-Archiv au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly logs eve­ry chan­ge to a do­cu­ment and cre­ates a new ver­sion of the do­cu­ment. New ver­si­ons or revi­si­ons can al­so be cre­ated by the user af­ter pro­ces­sing has been com­ple­ted. En­te­ring a short note on the ty­pe of chan­ges en­su­res a bet­ter over­view of the ver­sion sta­tus of a do­cu­ment la­ter on.

In or­der to sup­port team work, other users in­vol­ved are au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly in­for­med via the sub­scrip­tion func­tion as soon as chan­ges are ma­de to a do­cu­ment.

If au­to­matic ver­si­o­ning is used as part of a work­flow ma­nage­ment sys­tem, the re­quire­ments of the QM ma­nual or DIN EN ISO 9001 ff. for the cre­ati­on, ve­ri­fi­ca­tion, re­lea­se, pu­bli­ca­tion and ar­chi­ving of do­cu­ments can be im­ple­men­ted with the help of the Enter­prise Con­tent Ma­nage­ment Sys­tem.

By means of these and other func­tions of the bitfarm DMS, both com­puter-aided pro­duct da­ta manage­ment (PDM) and com­pany-wide pro­duct life­cycle ma­nage­ment (PLM) can be imple­men­ted.