…don't search – find!
Orange business Building

bitfarm-Archiv DMS - Features and Functions


  • Audit-proof archiving of paper andERP documents - automatically archives documents from all Windows, Linux and AS-400 based ERP and merchandise management systems, including SAP® Content Server.
  • Generatingself-supporting archives for example for tax consultants, to hand over project documentation to a client, for fast document access by external employees without Internet access, or to fulfill the access rights of the tax authorities.
  • Database fields, status, categories etc. can be defined flexibly and thus form a filing structure individually adapted to the needs of the company/institution. Different field types and search methods per archive / storage location can be configured.
  • Automatic archiving of further document sources through monitored folders, AutoArchive printer drivers or server-based e-mail archiving.
  • Links create digital files, such as order files, project files, customer files, etc..Symbolic links enable the storage of the same document in different archives. This can also be done automatically.
  • Automatic sorting and indexing via masks, regular expressions, etc. This enables, for example, mass capture of heterogeneous documents as batch scans with automatic recognition and sorting of individual documents. Document capture with just one click. Automatic pattern recognition.


  • Full text recognition and complete searchability of all supported document formats. Use of the world's leading Omnipage® OCR. Additional barcode recognition, also 2D barcodes.
  • Fast search functions with search times of less than 1 second even for many millions of documents ( including full text search ). Convenient graphical search location marking directly on the displayed document, at the touch of a button to (next) hit.
  • Free combination of all defined search fields with full-text, tags, user, date, workflow status and other metadata.


  • Working together on Office-documents, CAD drawings, etc.. Release and publication according to Quality Management Manual (DIN EN 9001 ff.) possible. Automatic adherence to compliance requirements.
  • Intelligent escalation mechanisms, e.g. when processing times are exceeded or documents are not recognized correctly.
  • Extensive and highly customizableworkflow functions forms document processes across all industries. Leave and illness representative regulation, workflows in groups, delegable tasks with temporary inherited authorizations. Controlling function for superiors. Reporting possible at any time via Excel.


  • Complete unchangeable document history of all actions on each document, reporting and admin log.
  • Automatic document versioning with SVN, CheckIn / CheckOut, evaluations / data export to Excel, CSV or OpenOffice.
  • Contract management, monitoring of self-prolonging contracts and termination options, calculation of current liabilities, etc.
  • Manual intervention in automatic processes is possible at any time. Support of flexible working methods. It is not prescribed at which time certain actions must take place. For example, keywording, linking or starting a workflow is possible early in the entry process, but also any time later.

User Interface

  • The awar­ded user interface gets by al­most with­out sub-windows, is well adap­tab­le to in­di­vi­dual user re­quire­ments and near­ly all func­tions can be swit­ched on and off.
  • Direct, lar­ge docu­ment dis­play. No need to load an ex­ter­nal ap­pli­ca­tion to view docu­ments. This allows fast browsing and visual capturing, "leafing through like in a file folder". Works with ERP documents, paper scans, Office, emails, PDFs, and even many CAD formats. Multiple document windows simultaneously possible.
  • Working in the DMS as with paper. Direct use of graphical tools on the document such as Sticky Notes ("post-its"), free text, pens, lines, markers, etc.
  • Each user can set up his own list display and sorting for each archive. Additional bookmarks, distribution favorites, hotkeys and stamps can be configured for each user.
  • Keyboard operable for fast daily work with documents, many useful hotkeys, macro capable through plugins.
  • Many proven concepts are used: context menus, drag & drop, self-learning lists, auto-complete, back functions, memorize and subscribe to documents.
  • Minimal training required because of intuitive operability..

Supported Document Formats

  • Office-Documents
  • PDF
  • CAD
  • Images
  • Paper Documents
  • digital ERP-documents
  • E-Mails
  • ZIP-Container
  • HTML
  • ...

Architecture & Scalability

  • Fast user inter­face through na­tive mul­ti-thread pro­gram code.(Delphi).
  • Rapid sear­ches by opti­mi­zed data­base que­ries and sto­red pro­ce­du­res.
  • Data­base MySQL (MS-SQL and Orac­le avail­able soon).
  • Ac­tive Directory / LDAP con­nec­tion for ea­sy main­tenan­ce of users and groups.
  • Se­pa­ra­tion of data­base, do­cu­ment sto­rage, DMS-Ser­ver, OCR- and ren­der ser­ver on dif­fe­rent ma­chi­nes pos­sib­le.
  • OCR clus­ter op­ti­on for lar­ge docu­ment vo­lu­mes.
  • Revi­si­on se­cu­ri­ty through softWORM pro­ce­dure, ad­di­ti­onal­ly se­cu­red with SHA256 check­sums
  • Granu­lar rights sys­tem con­trols ac­cess to do­cu­ments and func­ti­ons on an in­di­vi­dual user or group ba­sis.
  • Role con­cept for easy ad­mi­nis­tra­tion.
  • In­he­ri­tan­ce func­ti­ons for ar­chi­ve and sto­ra­ge pro­per­ties, field de­fi­ni­ti­ons and rights.
  • Scal­able 5 to 5000 user/server, up to 100 Mio. do­cu­ments per DB/server.
  • Im­ple­men­ta­tion as a com­ple­te ser­vice-ori­en­ted soft­ware ar­chi­tec­ture (SOA).
  • Multi-client cap­able, mul­tip­le lo­ca­ti­ons with their own ser­vers are sup­ported.

System Requirements


Server: Cur­rent indus­try stan­dard ser­ver with at least 2 GB free main me­mo­ry, 100 GB hard disk space, dual core CPU Win­dows Ser­ver 2016, 2019, 2022 and 2025 func­tio­ning struc­tured da­ta back­up. Ser­ver hard­ware with RAID sys­tem and da­ta back­up, cur­rent CPU from 2,6 GHz, min. 8 GB RAM, ATA/SCSI RAID-1, data backup, domain/AD struc­ture.


Full func­tio­na­li­ty with Win­dows cli­ent, Win­dows 10 and 11. Ma­ny func­ti­ons al­so avai­lab­le via web brow­ser and bitfarm-Archiv app for An­droid and iOS. Sup­port for MS-Of­fice from 2007. Cli­ent in­stal­la­tion un­at­ten­ded or on­ly as short­cut pos­sib­le. The cli­ent can also be used via ter­mi­nal ser­ver and/or VPN.


bitfarm re­com­mends using ge­nu­ine do­cu­ment scan­ners in­stead of mul­ti­func­tion de­vi­ces. Tech­ni­cal­ly, al­most all net­work scan­ners or TWAIN-com­pa­tib­le scan­ners can be u­sed. In com­pa­ri­son, do­cu­ment scan­ners have im­por­tant func­ti­ons such as doub­le feed de­tec­tion and image pro­ces­sing to make the cap­ture of pa­per do­cu­ments pro­cess-safe.


Active Di­rec­to­ry in­fra­struc­ture with wor­king DNS, users must be ab­le to ac­cess a ser­ver sha­re with­out a new lo­gin win­dow. On net­work-in­ternal fire­walls, the ports for data­base ac­cess and the bitfarm-Archiv ser­ver ser­vice must be ope­ned. A VPN con­nec­tion is re­qui­red for ex­ter­nal use of the do­cu­ment ma­nage­ment sys­tem with smart­phones and tab­lets.

► Download full System Requirements (Technical Datasheet)


  • Re­mo­te con­trol from other ap­pli­ca­tions, e.g. to di­rec­tly dis­play do­cu­ments, per­form sear­ches etc., Web ser­vice API.
  • Com­ple­te in­te­gra­tion in­to Win­dows Ex­plorer, MS- and Open­Office. In­te­gra­tion with Out­look and other e­mail cli­ents. In­ter­fa­ces to most ERP and mer­chan­dise ma­nage­ment sys­tems.