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bitfarm-Archiv version 3.6 - F9 opens importer preview

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The integrated importer replaces the external scan program Manuscan in bitfarm-Archiv version 3.6. While in Manuscan, a scan pool was used in order to separate and sort the documents that were read in by stacks, this is now possible from the integrated importer.

The document in question, however, is not automatically displayed in a larger preview. Nevertheless, in order to enable a comfortable working, the Importer offers different possibilities. A double-click on the document opens a preview that can be undocked and then dragged to a second screen, for example.

If you are not working with a second screen, the F9 key offers a quick and easy way to open a preview window. This appears instead of the tree structure on the left side of the screen. When all pages are sorted, close the window with the Esc key.

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