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bitfarm-Archiv Toolbox

The bitfarm-Archiv Toolbox is a collection of software tools. With this tools it is possible without great effort to incorporate special functions in bitfarm-Archiv document management. The toolbox consists essentially of a set of command-line tools. Using scripting (Python etc.), these tools can be easily combined to complex functions. The Plugin-Interfaces makes it possible to integrate the scripts into the archive process, workflows, or integrated into the user interface as an user application.

With the bitfarm-Archiv toolbox it is possible to manage many tasks direct on the document database. Of course safety is the most important role. By using the bitfarm-Archiv toolbox, for example, it is not possible to delete documents.

Overwiew of the main tools

  • searchdocsbyfields - searches documents into archives, which contains certain additional field values. Returns a list of DocIDs
  • createnewjobfile - creates a Job-file to a document. Therefore the DocID must be known. With the jobfile, additional document information can be passed to the database.
  • searchemptydoctxt - Repair tool, if the OCR does not recognize documents and no admin alarm has been defined. Documents can be sent through the OCR engine again afterwards.
  • imgtopdf - creates a PDF from any image out of the DMS.
  • tifprint - prints a document on a printer
  • CSV-Export - Again and again there is the need to make archived data and/or their metadata available to another program, e.g. a financial accounting software. The desired metadata for the document can be exported with the tool bfa_csv_export as .csv file, optionally with image file and setting of a status.
  • Plugin-Runner - The plugin runner is triggered automatically when a document is imported and represents the basic framework that all documents can access. This ensures that the correct plugin is started and that it can also access the relevant metadata.
  • XML-Import - The bitfarm XML Importer is used to import documents whose metadata is stored in an XML file. Likewise, the data can be mapped so that they can be written directly into additional fields.
  • SQL-Mapper - Often the metadata for documents is also of interest, which cannot be taken directly from the document, but is available in external databases. The SQL mapper can be used to query external databases via ODBC and save the values obtained for the document.
  • Metadata-based duplicate check - Checks for identical documents in the system using predefined metadata and sorts them out automatically.

A complete overview about the tools and its functions, is available for the customers with the documentation of the Enterprise-Edition, or over the bitfarm-Archiv support. With the Toolbox, new customers functions were developed as plugins since the first versions of the DMS, continuously over again. Because of the open-source-license, there are available for all customers. Often the developed plugins can be used and modified for similar functions. That this is even possible, and not everything needs to be recreated from scratch, shows the advantage of the open source concept in bitfarm-Archiv.

A List of available plugins is beyond the scope here. For questions about special functions just contact directly the experts.

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