Update - bitfarm-Archiv GPL Version 3.5.0
As of today, GPL-Version 3.5.0 of the Open-Source-DMS document management system bitfarm-Archiv is available. The fully fledged DMS is in line with the latest legal requirements and contains five new features which effectively save users time
What is new in Version 3.5.0?
The update revolves around five key features:
Multi-level workflow management. Using the resubmission feature documents and tasks can be assigned to specific users. A designated controller overlooks all due tasks. Once a task is completed, more tasks can follow. You can also set deadlines, once they are reached notifications will be send to the responsible user. This process can be automated by bitfarm workflow programming.
Text Recognition by Tesseract-OCR. For faster and more precise text recognition this new version is using Tesseract, a free Open Source OCR engine.
Overall search with Hotsearch. Integration of Hotsearch now enables you to search the DMS by simply highlighting information in third party applications. bitfarm-Archiv performs a text recognition „on the fly“ and hands the data over to the Viewer to display search results. Integration in the system tray notifies users about new tasks or resubmissions in real time.
Add-Ins for Microsoft Word and Excel. As a new feature, an add-in for MS Word and Excel will be provided. With just one click documents can be transferred to bitfarm-Archiv. Integration of versioning using SVN provides more transparency and structure.
Technical procedure documentation. Now bitfarm GmbH also delivers the GPL-Version with a technical procedure documentation according to actual requirements e.g. the GoBD. With this documentation and further technical and organisational details, as well as an organisational procedure documentation the DMS owner can make sure they comply with legal requirements of fiscal authorities.
This makes also the free GPL Version of bitfarm-archiv an adequate DMS and digital archive according to applicable regulations. Version 3.5.0 offers better user experience as well as the required legal certainty for entrepreneurs. With our new Open Source DMS you will be successful on the way into the digital age. Professional, efficient, sustainable – and free for everyone.
Download und Installation
You can find the free Open-Source DMS in Downloads & Support. Installation takes just a few clicks and owners of previous versions can update automatically. bitfarm-Archiv GPL with documentation is available in German and English.