Open Source Document Management updated
The licence fee free GPL version of the leading Open Source Document Management System bitfarm-Archiv Document Management has been updated.
New OpenOffice and Microsoft Office integration
Over 30 new file formats are supported with the new integration of OpenOffice 3.1, including the new Office formats docx and xlsx. Users can integrate documents directly from MS-Office and Open-Office into the DMS. Additionally, the scanning of paper documents, fax and e-mail archiving, as well as direct printing from any application into the electronic archive are supported. All documents are automatically indexed by the server and "tagged", so that the user can access documents purposefully at any time − much faster than via the Windows Explorer or even the common document folder, thanks to the SQL database.
Easy to use and self-explanatory interface
The Document Management System (DMS) integrates itself ideally into the Windows System environment, offers easily operated and more or less self-explanatory interfaces and is easy to learn without high training effort. For processing the electronic documents practical tools are available: notices, markers and pens, even an accounting stamp with a connection to financial accounting software, such as DATEV, are available.
Operation in businesses
For the use in companies the - also licence fee free - Document Management Enterprise Version is available, which includes many important functions for depicting document management-based business processes, next to the market-leading text recognition Omnipage: direct support for graphic archiving and version control for various CAD systems, AD integration, support for automatic software distribution in company networks, a granular rights system with rights down to individual data fields, contract management, Windows and web client, integration in Microsoft Office, Outlook, Lotus Notes, Exchange, interfaces to many ERP / CRM and PPC systems, such as SAP and MS-Dynamics, leave nothing to be desired and make Open Source Document Management an efficient alternative to the sometimes much more expensive contestants. The Open Source concept and the constant use of established and open standards not only sees to a comparatively economic solution with rapid Return on Invest, but also guarantee best investment protection and adaptability to future requirements.